Hello, Vitamins and Antioxidants!

Skincare is more than just putting on the new serum or cream everyone’s raving about. As much as the brand matters, it’s far more important to carefully consider the ingredients in every skincare product you own. 

Vitamins and antioxidants

The skin is constantly exposed to various damage-inducing factors. But don’t fret! Adding heaps of vitamins and antioxidants, whether in your skincare routine or diet, can counter the harsh effects of sunlight and stress. In this article, let’s round up the best skincare ingredients for that healthy glow.

5 best vitamins and antioxidants for healthy skin

Retinoic acid

Retinoic acid, the active form of vitamin A, and retinol, its over-the-counter formulation, are compounds known to be the gold standard in anti-aging skincare. In fact, retinoic acid is the only ingredient proven to reduce the signs of aging such as fine lines, age spots, sagging, and rough skin.

This is widely available in both gel, serum, and cream forms and is simply applied topically. Take note that using retinoic acid should be done carefully to avoid skin irritation. If you’re a first-time user, start by using low-concentration retinoic acid first and apply it once every two days. As your skin adapts, you can increase the frequency and concentration.

Vitamins C and E

According to research, the benefits of vitamins C and E are effective against sun damage and skin cancer. These antioxidants also reverse discoloration and hyperpigmentation. Vitamin C acts as a chemical exfoliant that speeds up cell turnover and reduces melanin production, revealing bright and glowing skin.

To achieve youthful skin, take 1,000 to 3,000 milligrams worth of vitamin C and 400 international units of D-alpha-tocopherol vitamin E. You can also apply these vitamins to your skin as they’re widely available in topical formulations. 


Flavonoids are plant metabolites that are rich in antioxidant properties to resist cellular damage. These are found in various fruits and vegetables, so adding these to your balanced diet is a must. More types of excellent flavonoid foods are green tea and cocoa so make sure to add these two up to your daily routine. 

While the results of various research deem flavonoids to be promising, more studies are yet to be done to determine the right dose for maximum skin benefit.

Alpha-lipoic acid

Alpha-lipoic acid is a type of organic compound packed with antioxidants. It helps combat the harsh effects of sun damage and other environmental damage. Some studies show that it also works well in fighting the signs of aging.

Look for alpha-lipoic acid creams at 3% to 5% concentration and apply every other day to start. To further boost the benefits of alpha-lipoic acid, consume red meat, organ meat, and plant sources such as broccoli, spinach, and tomato.

Coenzyme Q10

Coenzyme Q10 is an antioxidant that naturally occurs in the body. It is present in a lot of the foods we eat and it comes in topical forms as well. This nutrient supports proper cell growth while protecting the skin from intense damage, such as skin cancer. Some studies also reveal that coenzyme Q10 plays a significant role in minimizing the appearance of wrinkles. 

While the best topical dose is yet to be determined, most of the studies have utilized 0.3% concentration in their clinical trials.


And there you have it! Now that you already know the best skin vitamins and antioxidants, the next step is to identify which ones target your skin concerns the best. To achieve your best skin yet, make sure to add these nutrients to your skincare routine and witness your skin transform. ♡

Vitamins and antioxidants

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