Female skin is a reflection of natural hormonal cycle. Let us tell you how to help yourself during these days with plant based solutions

During our life time as women, we’ve seen how our skin changes during our lunar cycle, sometimes our face has a magic glow, some others we face that annoying temperamental acne that shows up for a couple of days. Well, this isn’t a coincidence!

Although for some women the change isn’t as intense as it is for others, this is completely normal and its related to three hormones: estrogen, progesterone and testosterone.This changing of hormone levels has been explained by dermstore in this great article, but just to give you a hands up, there are three main waves to consider: from days 1 to 7, days 8 to 15 and days 16 to 28. Here’s the quick overview...


The three waves

First week of the cycle:
During these days, the 3 musketeers that we just mentioned are in their low point, with less stimulation of collagen, hyaluronic acid and elastin. What does this mean? Your skin won't be glowing on its best.
Good news is, you can help your skin by using a moisturizer rich in phytoestrogen or increase your level of consuming natural founts of estrogens such as nuts and seeds. Another great option is plant protein in your breakfast!

Second week of the cycle:
This is the amazing-glow wave! As estrogen and testosterone levels are higher, you’ll be feeling better, powerful and more positive. The increasement of dopamine comes as consequence and endorphine will be your natural gas fountain. Your metabolism will be so much more efficient and your skin will be glowing without makeup or any extra help.

Third week of the cycle:
Just after ovulation, progesterone will do its job (when pregnancy doesn't take place) and it will encourage your appetite and your willingness to sleep! During this period of changes, is when the skin disruption takes place  and we’ll help you overcome it with some natural and great solutions.

How to balance your hormones with infusions:
The infusion by Living Pretty Naturally is an amazing DIY and we hope you find them as helpful as we did!
These are the herbs that you need to have:

  • Nettles tea, high mineral content
  • Red raspberry leaf, alkaloid component
  • Don Quai, the female ginseng
  • Oat Straw, zinc and iron properties
  • Licorice, anti-inflammatory

The process is pretty simple! Find a jar and put ¾ mixed between the red raspberry, nettles and oat straw and then half of each portion for licorice and don quai. Put water on it and leave it overnight out of the fridge. Drink it in the morning and enjoy this gentle way of beginning your day by hugging your body and your mind.

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