Shout out to the great initiatives!
If you haven’t heard about National Winter Skin Relief Day, don’t worry! It’s been only 3 years since the foundation of this day. Although it is pretty new, it stands for a great cause: as a reminder that this isn’t an easy season for your skin health but if you are mindful and careful with your daily routine, it will get better!
In 2017, the makers of CeraVe® Skincare began this initiative in order to raise awareness about the importance of improving your skincare routine during the coldest season of the year. As part of the campaign, every year, along with dermatologists, the brand releases important tips that will boost your skin health without spending a lot of money or time. Actually, these tips are more like lifestyle check marks.
We’ve compiled a list of the most important tips.
Take your notebook and don’t miss any details!
Use healing ointment with ceramides
Ceramides help in the process of restoring skin’s natural protective barrier. Because of the cold temperatures, windy days and the terrible -please don’t- habit of licking your lips when they get dry, your skin needs extra help to recover itself from these skin irritation triggers.
A huge no-no to hot and long showers
Oh, oh! Also applies to washing your hands with hot water.
This is a basic and well known practice that we decide to “forget” because we want to feel warm while we take a bath or wash our hands, but deep inside, you instantly feel how it drains the natural oils from your skin. Lukewarm water is your best friend!
Use gentle soaps
This tiny detail marks a difference! As your skin gets irritated because of the cold weather, the wind and your clothes scrubbing your skin all day, it is important not to use a strong soap with fragrance and other irritative chemicals when you take a shower. Our Tea Tree Soup is a great choice to give your skin a hug.
The closest clothes to your skin must be soft!
In winter, we use layers and layers of clothes, and although the external one is responsible for breaking the cold and wind; the closest pieces are the ones that not only keep you warm, but will be rubbing against your skin all day long. Be aware of letting your skin dry and apply moisturizer before getting dressed.
Hydratation and moisturizers
From inside out and backwards, hydration is imperative when it comes to not suffering of dry skin during winter. Drink enough water -constantly- and keep your daily moisturizer and lip nourisher with you all day and use it frequently. Remember to pick the one that’s best for your skin type!You can observe all the people that’s creating consciousness about the importance of these best practices -not only for this day, but for the whole season- by searching for #WinterSkinReliefDay on social media.
In Fivesso, we believe that transcendent changes are made with daily effort and mindfulness of your skin health, but we all started with a tiny step.
Lets make these types of special days, tiny steps for lots of people that are beginning the beautiful journey of loving and caring for their skin health.
Spread the information and spread love.
Happy National Winter Skin Relief Day!
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