Anxiety, old friend… Nobody misses you at all!
Sadly but true, anxiety is one of the most common mental health issues, and it has so many triggers that becomes almost impossible for a lot of people to avoid it.
It's not only a side effect of this pandemic year. Actually, this issue has been a tendency for over a decade and one of the main triggers is technology…
WHAT? Yes. Having our phones reminding us the HUNDRED of things we have to do, all the things we don’t have, people constantly texting us, that perfect life to achieve, and so on… In resume, internet, social media and everything we consume through those little and not so little paints, are daily reminders that we don’t have control over anything.
Oh, plus the rest of responsibilities and the world current situation... please universe, give us a break!
Well, today we’ve brought you a skincare + extra tips for a special ritual that will help you get your anxiety levels down. It will help you feel grounded!
Excited? We are!
Good morning, it’s time to wake up!
The other day, I was listening to a great podcast by Jay Shetty and he explains among other 5 tips, how the simple fact of not checking your phone right away after you wake up is a huge step for a free-anxiety day.
That’s why, for our ritual you need to find a way to replace your alarm with a song you like and while you brush your teeth and make breakfast, pick an affirmation audio (from your favorite platform) that reinforces that feeling that’s keeping you awake at night.
Some suggestions are:
Beat stimulation therapy to alleviate anxiety isn’t a myth! And it doesn’t matter if you’re writing, cleaning, driving... you can play your special playlist and keep doing your work while you just let the frequencies do their job on you.
Look for Theta (6Hz), Alpha (10 Hz) and Gamma (40 Hz) beat frequencies and let yourself enjoy them. Is absolutely amazing how fast they make you feel more relaxed! If you feel like creating your own playlist, go ahead! If not, you can just look it up! A lot of people have already made great compilations ready to be played.
Bath timeFor this particular bath, you need to look for either a lavender candle or incense in order to receive the benefits of this aromatherapy. Lavender is a great option when you want to calm down, and bath time is such an amazing moment for this.
Once you have your candle or incense and the background music in place, keep in mind that this is a moment for you. A moment to give yourself love and to treat yourself kindly. Pick your favorite scrub -We suggest our lavender coffee made scrub, to keep the relaxing mood on- and softly give your legs a massage. Enjoy your warm bath and don’t take any rush this time, you can wash your negative thoughts away with’re safe!
The intention
If you go backwards to each step you just read, you’ll realize they aren’t impossible things to do. The best part of those tiny details that can save your day, is that each of them is a perfect safe zone for you to ground yourself during the day. You don’t need to change your schedule, run behind your planning or disconnect completely from reality. You just need to understand that everything surrounding you is stimulating you constantly and is normal to feel the need of being in control of your mind. You've got this!
Let us know how this ritual works for you and share it with your beloved ones!
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